


Crypto Money Laundering: Four Exchange Deposit Addresses Received Over $1 Billion in Illicit Funds in 2022

Money laundering is crucial to all financially motivated crime because it’s what enables criminals to access the funds they generate…


[CHAINALYSIS PODCAST EPISODE 29] Could Regulatory Ramp-Up Position Australia As “Silicon Valley” Of Crypto?

Episode 29 of Public Key, the Chainalysis podcast, is here! In this episode, we talk with Caroline Bowler (CEO, BTC…


Reporting Obligations of the OECD Crypto Asset Reporting Framework

The OECD recently published their framework designed to help tax authorities administer tax rules when taxpayers invest in Crypto-Assets outside…



OECDは最近、納税者が居住国以外の暗号資産に投資する際に、税務当局が税規則を管理するのに役立つよう設計されたフレームワークを発表しました。このフレームワーク”Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework”(”CARF”)は、暗号資産取引所(および顧客に代わって暗号資産を取引する特定の企業)に対して、以下の情報を各税務当局に報告するよう求めています。 顧客の属性  取引の情報 個人ウォレットへの送金 各税務当局は、暗号資産投資家の税務上の居住者である国の税務当局へこれらの情報を送ります。 例えば、オーストラリアの税務当局は、英国の納税者がオーストラリアの取引所で行った暗号資産取引の情報を英国の税務当局に送信することになります。こうした取り組みは、株式や債券などの伝統的な金融資産に対する、国境を越えた投資活動における要件と一致します。 従来の取り組みについては、Common Reporting Standard(100カ国以上が加入)およびFATCAを参照してください。  CARFは、米国や他の国で開発中のデジタル資産に関する情報報告フレームワーク(CARFの追加要件)と同様に、次の3つの事象に対応しています。 多くの国内納税者が暗号資産取引から生じる納税義務を満たしていない可能性があると公に報告されていること デジタル資産を含む活動の大部分が本質的に国境を越えて行われていること 多くの納税者が暗号資産を自己保管し、あるいは個人ウォレットから取引していること。  CARFには、4つのパートがあります。 対象となる暗号資産  データ収集・報告義務の対象となる事業体及び個人 報告対象となる取引及び当該取引について報告すべき情報 暗号資産ユーザー及び実質的支配者を特定し、報告及び情報交換に関連する税務管轄を決定するためのデューディリジェンス手順…


Latin America’s Key Crypto Adoption Drivers: Storing Value, Sending Remittances, and Seeking Alpha

Latin America is the seventh largest cryptocurrency market in our index this year, with citizens of Latin America countries receiving…


Eastern Europe’s Crypto Market Active, With Spikes in Last Year Driven by Russia-Ukraine War

Eastern Europe is the fifth-largest cryptocurrency market we study, with $630.9 billion in value received on-chain between July 2021 and…


Middle East & North Africa’s Crypto Markets Grow More Than Any Other Region in 2022

Middle East & North Africa (MENA) may be one of the smaller crypto markets in the 2022 Global Crypto Adoption…


How Cryptocurrency Meets Residents’ Economic Needs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-saharan Africa accounts for the least cryptocurrency transaction volume of any region we study, with $100.6 billion in on-chain volume…


Crypto Adoption Steadies in South Asia, Soars in the Southeast

Central & Southern Asia and Oceania (CSAO) is the third largest region in our global crypto adoption index this year, with citizens of CSAO countries receiving $932 billion in cryptocurrency. It's also home to seven of the top twenty countries by rank. In this Geography of Cryptocurrency Report preview, we explain why.

Geos Report Cover with a stylized image of a globe centered on Africa and Europe

The 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index: Emerging Markets Lead in Grassroots Adoption, China Remains Active Despite Ban, and Crypto Fundamentals Appear Healthy

We’re excited to share with you Chainalysis’ 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index. For the third consecutive year, we ranked all…


Cryptocurrency Markets Aren’t Liquid Enough for Mass Russian Sanctions Evasion

One question many have asked is whether or not cryptocurrency markets have enough liquidity to allow for mass sanctions evasion…


Is Bitcoin Traceable?

Blockchains may be public, but they're not easy to read. Transaction graphing tools make these otherwise perplexing activities easy to understand, analyze, and see.


체이널리시스, 가상자산 제재 감시 툴 ‘오라클’ 무료 출시

블록체인 데이터 플랫폼 기업 체이널리시스(한국지사장 백용기)가 가상자산 제재 감시 툴인 체이널리시스 오라클(Chainalysis oracle)을 예정보다 빨리 출시했다고 밝혔다. API는 다음 달…


Cryptocurrency Brings Millions in Aid to Ukraine, But Could It Also Be Used For Russian Sanctions Evasion?

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, cryptocurrency is taking on an important role in the conflict. On the positive side,…


History Has Its Eyes on Crypto. Let’s Prove It’s on the Right Side.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, people from all over the world have donated tens of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency…